Safety Policy
The policy of the Management is to provide a safe workplace for all employees. We are committed to conducting our operations in a way that protects people, property and the environment. We believe all
injuries and occupational illnesses can be prevented.
However, the full cooperation of each employee is required to achieve this goal. It is our goal to provide
our customers with an excellent and ecient service that is far superior or to what they might expect other
service contractors and to perform this service with a commitment towards safety. We will conduct
ourselves with absolute honesty and we will take every possible step to see that we serve the customers’
needs. Working in an industrial environment requires that we pay particular attention to the safety of our
employees, other people working around our equipment and us. The management mandated that any
employee should stop his work due to usafe acts and unsafe conditions. We do not consider any phase
of our operations to be more important than Safety.