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+966 112319609
Jubail, Arabia.
966 57 696 3351

Vendor Registration

Registration Requirements for local companies:

All valid legal documents that include:
1. Commercial Registration (CR).
2. Zakat Certificate.
3. Chamber of Commerce Registration (COC).
4. Value added tax registration (VAT).
5. GOSI Certificate.
6. Saudization Certificate.
7. Mohnshaat certificates (For SMEs) .
8. Power of attorney letter (POA), authenticated and issued by chamber of commerce.
9. Non-Disclosure Undertaking
10. Any other related documents.

Registration Requirements for international companies:

1. Commercial registration (CR).
2. Legal entity documents in the country.
3. Power of attorney letter (POA).
4. Financial statements for the last two years.
5. Non-Disclosure Undertaking (NDU).
6. Complying with the requirement to invest in kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
New Supplier registration Portal: (Click Here)

For inquires and questions you can reach out to Vendor Management team on the following email address: